East Pacific Summary for November 2016
Monthly Summary

000 ABPZ30 KNHC 011414 TWSEP MONTHLY TROPICAL WEATHER SUMMARY NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL 800 AM PDT TUE NOV 01 2016 For the eastern North Pacific, east of 140 degrees west longitude: One named storm, Seymour, formed in the eastern North Pacific basin in October, and it also became a major hurricane. Based on a 30-year (1981-2010) climatology, two named storms typically form in the basin in October, with one becoming a hurricane. A major hurricane forms in the basin in October about once every other year. In terms of Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE), which measures the combined strength and duration of tropical storms and hurricanes, activity in the basin so far in 2016 has been above normal. The ACE through the end of October is about 44 percent higher than the 1981-2010 median value to date. Reports on individual cyclones, when completed, are available at the National Hurricane Center website at www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/tcr/index.php?season=2016&basin=epac . Summary Table Name Dates Max Wind (mph) --------------------------------------------------- TD One-E 6- 7 Jun 35* TS Agatha 2- 5 Jul 50* MH Blas 3-10 Jul 140 H Celia 6-15 Jul 100 MH Darby 11-26 Jul 115 TS Estelle 15-21 Jul 70* H Frank 21-28 Jul 85* MH Georgette 21-27 Jul 130 TS Howard 31 Jul- 3 Aug 60 TS Ivette 2- 8 Aug 60 TS Javier 7- 9 Aug 65 TS Kay 18-23 Aug 50 MH Lester 24 Aug- 7 Sep 140 MH Madeline 26 Aug- 3 Sep 130** H Newton 4- 7 Sep 90 H Orlene 11-16 Sep 110 H Paine 18-21 Sep 90 TS Roslyn 25-29 Sep 50 H Ulika 26-30 Sep 75*** MH Seymour 23-28 Oct 150 --------------------------------------------------- * Denotes a storm for which the post-storm analysis is complete. ** Peak intensity reached in the central North Pacific basin. *** Named assigned by Central Pacific Hurricane Center after depression moved west of 140W longitude. $$ Hurricane Specialist Unit
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