East Pacific Summary for August 2024
Monthly Summary

000 ABPZ30 KNHC 011507 TWSEP Monthly Tropical Weather Summary NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL 800 AM PDT Thu Aug 1 2024 For the eastern North Pacific, east of 140 degrees west longitude: Three tropical storms, Aletta, Bud, and Carlotta, formed in the eastern Pacific basin in July. The formation of three tropical storms is similar to the the long-term average for July of 3 named storms, but below the long-term averages of 2 hurricanes and 1 major hurricane. With the formation of only 3 tropical storms in the basin so far, activity in the eastern Pacific is at an historic low. Typically by the end of July, the season produces 5 or 6 tropical storms, 3 hurricanes, and 1 or 2 major hurricanes. The Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE), which measures the combined strength and duration of tropical storms and hurricanes, is only 5 percent of the long-term (1991-2020) average, making this the slowest start to an eastern Pacific season during the reliable period of records in the basin (1971-2024). Reports on individual storms, when completed, are available at the National Hurricane Center website at www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/tcr/index.php?season=2024&basin=epac Summary Table Name Dates Max Wind (mph) ------------------------------------------------------------------ TS Aletta 4-6 Jul 40 TS Bud 24-26 Jul 60 TS Carlotta 31 Jul- 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Denotes a storm for which the post-storm analysis is complete. $$ Hurricane Specialist Unit
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