East Pacific Summary for August 2021
Monthly Summary

000 ABPZ30 KNHC 011430 TWSEP Monthly Tropical Weather Summary NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL 800 AM PDT Sun Aug 1 2021 For the eastern North Pacific, east of 140 degrees west longitude: Four tropical cyclones formed in the month of July in the eastern Pacific basin. Hurricane Felicia and Tropical Storm Guillermo formed near the middle of the month, while Hurricane Hilda and Tropical Depression Nine-E formed near the end of July. None of the cyclones affected land. Hurricane Felicia rapidly intensified and became a category 4 hurricane. The formation of four tropical cyclones, including two hurricanes and one major hurricane is near the long-term average for July. The number of named storms (8) in the basin so far in 2021 is above the long-term average through July (6.3). In terms of Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE), which measures the strength and duration of tropical storms and hurricanes, the season to date is near the average of the past 30 years. Reports on individual cyclones, when completed, are available at the National Hurricane Center website at: www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/tcr/index.php?season=2021&basin=epac Summary Table Name Dates Max Wind (mph) --------------------------------------------------- TS Andres 9-11 May 40* TS Blanca 30 May- 4 Jun 60 TS Carlos 12-16 Jun 50 TS Dolores 18-20 Jun 70 H Enrique 25-30 Jun 90 H Felicia 14-20 Jul 145 TS Guillermo 17-20 Jul 60 H Hilda 30 Jul- 85 TD Nine-E 30 Jul- 1 Aug 30 --------------------------------------------------- * Denotes a storm for which the post-storm analysis is complete. $$ Hurricane Specialist Unit
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